Our Spring flowers will be available from September to December. They range...
Ever thought about growing your own Sunflowers? Each Summer, here at Willowbank,...
Dahlias bring so much joy to gardeners. They come in an array...
Dahlias bring so much joy to gardeners. They come in an array of shapes and colours. But be aware, dahlias can certainly become an addiction!
Dahlias won't tolerate the cold, so the best time to plant your tubers is after your last frost. By mid-summer you will be cutting armloads of beautiful flowers well into Autumn, until your first frost.
Planting Tubers
The easiest way to grow dahlias is from tubers, which are sold in later Winter/early Spring. As tubers grow, they multiply beneath the soil. If you dig up your tubers in Winter, you can divide the tubers and either replant or store over Winter for Spring planting.
Plant tubers approx. 10-15cm deep and 30cm apart. Water well and leave alone until growth is visible. Stems will grow from the tuber 'eyes', so lay them horizontal with visible eyes/stems upwards. It takes about 6-8 weeks for flowering.
Dalias are sun-lovers, they grow best in moist, rich and well-drained soil in a sunny position and protection from strong winds. If drainage is a problem, plat in a raised bed or container. Before planting improve the soil by digging in organic matter, manure and compost. Stake the plants well or use netting to keep them standing upright, so they don't fall over.
When planting in Spring, water generously at first, then only lightly until the plant reaches about 15cm high or you risk rotting the tuber unless the soil is really dry. Once established water twice a week.
Once your plants reach 30cm tall, apply a general all-purpose fertiliser and water thoroughly. When buds appear, give liquid fertiliser every 14 days to promote larger blooms and longer flowering. Protect the soil from the hot summer sun with organic mulch and water regularly.
As your dahlias start to grow, pinch out the centre growing tips to encourage lateral growth and a fuller branching plant. Regularly cut flowers to further promote flowering. Flowering lasts 3-5 months. When flowers start to fade in late Autumn or if being hit by frost, cut bush back by half, and when leaves start to fade, cut the plant back to ground level.
Dahlia Types
- Pompones (or pompom or pompon) are fully double flowers with furled petals arranged in a spiral to form a globe shape. Blooms are up to 4cm across and plants will grow to 30cm in height.
- Orchids have a single row of uniform ray florets surrounding a tight disk centre. Blooms are 10cm across and plants grow to 1m tall.
- Balls are like pompones, but their blooms are about 7cm across and grow about 75cm tall.
- Anemones have at least one row of flat ray petals, surrounding an often contrasting pincushion centre of long tubular florets. Blooms are 15cm across and plants grow to about 1m tall.
- Cacti have a spiky look with long, pointed ray florets radiating from an open centre. Blooms are 15-20cm across, and plants grow up to 1m tall.
- Decoratives are double-petalled and open-centred. Formal decoratives have symmetrical flowerheads, while informals have wavy petals in an irregular arrangement. Blooms are 15cm wide, and plants grow more than 1m tall.
- Tree dahlias have shaggy flowers that look like ballerinas’ tutus. Mostly lavender in colour, new varieties are available in pink and white. They flower from autumn into winter and are best grown against a wall or fence since the wind can damage the brittle stems. Flowers can bloom 15cm wide and the tree can grow to 6m.
- Singles have a row of regular, overlapping ray florets in a flat plane. These surround a centre disk that opens to reveal frilly anthers, ideal for attracting pollinators. Blooms are 5cm across, and plants grow from 70 to 95cm tall.
- Collarettes have an outer row of ray florets, an inner collar of shorter petals and a fringed or tight centre disk. Colours may be solid or bicolour. Blooms are 5-10cm wide, and plants grow to 1m tall.
We're looking forward to our upcoming tuber sale in September!
Products will be updated soon.